We decided to stay in a marina and continue working on some boat projects.
This marina has floating docks. The dock and boat move up and down together with the rise and fall of the tide. It makes it easier than a fixed dock because the step on and off the boat doesn't change and you don't have to pay as much attention to your lines.
Matt tying off lines. |
Lollygag at the lay along dock |

When we pulled into Gulfport, there was a flock of green parrots. I suspect they may be migrating since locals are stopping to watch them. They remind me of the red wing black birds back home in Wyoming that came around every spring in large flocks.
Great Egret |
Great Blue Heron |
I like the Snowy Egret because of their golden yellow feet. |
Pelicans are always around the docks. They hang out looking for a hand out. This marina has a sign saying pelicans can catch their own fish and can choke on bones that are to big...so don't feed. Of course, it doesn't keep the pelicans from trying.
A tree shorter than me....yea
Tall palms |